CASM 2023 New Year Updates
Hello CASM stakeholders,
In lieu of the January CASM stakeholder meeting, we are sending out an end-of-year update with a look ahead to 2023. The next stakeholder meeting will be on Wednesday, February 22nd.
2022 Notables
In June, the CASM team completed the WSRF-supported program planning project. You can find the executive summary here and the full report here. This $45,000 project (which included $20,000 of state funds and $25,000 of combined basin roundtable funds from the Metro RT, Arkansas RT, South Platte RT, Gunnison RT, Colorado RT) was awarded in March 2021 and supported the effort of planning what a statewide airborne snow measurement program could look like. The CASM stakeholder group provided invaluable feedback throughout this effort.
The CASM stakeholder group met almost every month of 2022 to discuss CASM updates, go over flight results during the flight season, provide program feedback, and continue planning the future of CASM.
In March, CASM was awarded a $1.88 million Water Plan Grant from the CWCB (with Northern Water as the fiscal agent). This could not have happened without the 37 letters of support that were provided by the CASM stakeholder group—thank you! This funding, together with match funding of $750,000 (combined from USGS, US DoE, Denver Water, Northern Water, St. Vrain & Left Hand Water Conservancy District), has gone towards a wide range of activities including:
12 snow-on surveys conducted in 2022 (see map below for locations of snow-on flights),
WRF-Hydro streamflow forecasting with ASO integration,
snow-free baseline flights covering an additional 15,778 km2 across 13 basins in Colorado that are now prepared for snow-on flights (see map below for full coverage),
a streamflow forecasting ASO integration project that is in progress (led by Lynker),
CASM program coordination and support (with assistance from Lynker and LRE Water).
Map of 2022 Activities
The CASM team presented twice to the CWCB Board. The first presentation in July provided the results of the WSRF planning project and an overview of 2022 ASO surveys. The CASM program was recognized favorably by the Board as a way to help address current water supply issues, and the CASM team was asked to return to the Board to present ideas for how to expedite program build-out. The CASM team returned to present again to the Board in November with ideas for expediting the CASM program, including 1) establishing consistent and sustainable funding sources, 2) developing a streamlined approach for contracting, and 3) expanding snow-free data coverage in Colorado.
In August, CASM presented to the state legislators of the Water Resources and Agricultural Review Committee. The presentation provided an overview of ASO technology as well as an update on the development of the CASM program.
The CASM team presented at the winter and summer Colorado Water Congress conferences.
The Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC) produced experimental, non-official forecasts through integrating ASO survey data into their forecasting architecture. This was a great first step in understanding the opportunities and challenges of integrating ASO data into this modeling framework.
Before the 2022 ASO survey season, CASM established a flight planning committee. This committee was coordinated by the CWCB and assisted with planning the timing of flights throughout the season. This committee meets weekly during the flight season and will continue in 2023. Reach out to if you are interested to join this committee.
In November, CASM hosted a virtual streamflow forecasting roundtable to discuss challenges and opportunities around integrating ASO survey data into different streamflow forecasting models. The roundtable was coordinated and led by Lynker.
Looking ahead to 2023
If all applied-for grant funding comes through, there will be 24 snow-on ASO surveys conducted in 2023. Below is a map showing the planned 2023 snow-on ASO surveys, some of which are still awaiting funding confirmations:
Map of Planned 2023 Activities
*Flights for several basins are pending final funding confirmations from WSRF grants and/or stakeholder commitments, including the Northern Front Range, Upper South Platte above 285, Upper Roaring Fork, Dolores, Conejos, and East/Taylor Rivers
The CWCB will sponsor 2023 WRF-Hydro streamflow forecasting in various basins that are receiving ASO surveys. The ASO survey data can be integrated into the WRF-Hydro modeling framework to update the model snowpack state in near real time.
CASM will continue working with the CWCB to explore establishing a long-term funding and administration structure for the CASM program. This work will include a CWCB Board workshop in late spring or summer focused on the CASM program.
CASM will continue pursuing funding to expand snow-free lidar coverage throughout Colorado’s high elevation watersheds. Expanded snow-free coverage will allow for more watersheds to conduct snow-on surveys in future years.
CASM will continue collaborating with and learning from California’s Department of Water Resources, which has an established state-funded ASO program.
The CASM stakeholder group will continue meeting monthly to exchange information and gather feedback on the development of the program.
CASM will continue working to expand access to ASO survey data throughout the state as well as to leverage the surveys for an expanding range of water resources decisions across all water sectors. All survey data and reports are freely accessible to any interested party and can be downloaded by creating a free account on ASO’s data page.
The CASM team will present a program update at the January meeting of the Colorado Water Congress. Look for us on the agenda!
To all CASM stakeholders—thank you so much for your support and involvement in this work. We look forward to continuing to work together into 2023 and beyond. If you know others who may be interested in joining the CASM stakeholder group, please forward them this email or reach out to us directly while cc’ing the newly interested stakeholders. For anybody that was forwarded this email and is interested in being added to future CASM communications and monthly meetings, you can respond directly to this email or reach out to in a separate message.
Thanks and Happy New Year from The CASM Planning Team:
Andrew Rickert, CWCB
Dave Kanzer, Colorado River District
Emily Carbone, Northern Water
Erik Skeie, CWCB
Jeff Deems, ASO, Inc
Kate Burchenal, ASO, Inc
Laurna Kaatz, Denver Water
Ken Curtis, Dolores Water Conservancy District
Page Weil, LRE Water
Scott Griebling, St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District
Taylor Winchell, Denver Water